An Oracle Enterprise Performance Pack for Java 8 was released on July 19, 2022. It is also worth noting that Java 8 is still getting some expansions – though only for Oracle Java and its costly Java SE Subscription. What does Java 17 bring? How difficult will the migration be? Is it worth it? I’ll try to answer those questions in this article. It’s the new Long Term Support version, with Oracle Premier Support to last until September 2026 (at least). Especially since on September 14th, 2021, Java 17 was released.

That means there’s a good reason to make the move to a new version. It doesn’t mean that it won’t receive any new updates, but Oracle’s effort put into maintaining it will likely be significantly smaller than it is right now. In March 2022 Java 8 lost its Oracle Premier Support. However, in December 2022 it was updated with new information regarding the Oracle Enterprise Performance Pack for Java 8.

10 Architecture: x86 Installer Type: EXE Silent Install Switch (Option 1) jre-8u291-windows-i586.exe /s Silent Install Switch (Option 2) jre-8u291-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=1 Silent Install Switch (Option 3) jre-8u291-windows-i586.exe INSTALL_SILENT=Enable Silent Uninstall Switch: MsiExec.Disclaimer: this article was originally published on October 22, 2021. Software Title: Java 8 Update 291 (32-bit) Vendor: Oracle Corporation Version.

This article will serve as an informative guide and give you a clear understanding of how to perform a silent installation of Java 8 Update 291 from the command line using both EXE & MSI installers. The Java Development Kit, or JDK, is a set of tools for developing Java applications. The Java Runtime Environment, or JRE, is a software layer that runs on top of a computer’s operating system software and provides the class libraries and other resources that a specific Java program needs to run.